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For readers Publishers' sites Paperback · 423 pagesISBN 978-0-12-374515-6 [US] ISBN 978-3-89864-620-8 [DE] |
Table of ContentsAbout the AuthorPreface1 How Failures Come to BeYour program fails. How can this be? The programmer creates a defect in the code, that, being executed, causes an infection in the program state, that, later on, becomes visible as a failure. To find the defect, one must reason backwards, starting with the failure. This chapter defines the essential concepts when talking about debugging and hints at the techniques discussed later on—hopefully whetting your appetite for the remainder of this book.
1.2 From Defects to Failures 1.3 Lost in Time and Space 1.4 From Failures to Fixes 1.5 Automated Debugging Techniques 1.6 Bugs, Faults, or Defects? 1.7 Concepts 1.8 Tools 1.9 Further Reading 1.10 Exercises
2 Tracking ProblemsThis chapter deals with the issue of how to manage problems as reported by users—how to track and manage problem reports, how to organize the debugging process, and how to keep track of multiple versions. All this is the basic framework in which debugging takes place.
2.2 Reporting Problems 2.3 Managing Problems 2.4 Classifying Problems 2.5 Processing Problems 2.6 Managing Problem Tracking 2.7 Requirements as Problems 2.8 Managing Duplicates 2.9 Relating Problems and Fixes 2.10 Relating Problems and Tests 2.11 Concepts 2.12 Tools 2.13 Further Reading 2.14 Exercises 3 Making Programs FailBefore a program can be debugged, we must set it up such that it can be tested—that is, executed with the intent to make it fail. In this chapter, we review basic testing techniques, with a special focus on automation and isolation.
3.2 Controlling the Program 3.3 Testing at the Presentation Layer 3.4 Testing at the Functionality Layer 3.5 Testing at the Unit Layer 3.6 Isolating Units 3.7 Designing for Debugging 3.8 Preventing Unknown Problems 3.9 Concepts 3.10 Tools 3.11 Further Reading 3.12 Exercises 4 Reproducing ProblemsThe first step in debugging is to reproduce the problem in question—that is, to create a test case that causes the program to fail in the specified way. The first reason is to bring it under control, such that it can be observed. The second reason is to verify the success of the fix. This chapter discusses typical strategies for reproducing the operating environment, the history, and the problem symptoms.
4.2 Reproducing the Problem Environment 4.3 Reproducing Program Execution 4.4 Reproducing System Interaction 4.5 Focusing on Units 4.6 Concepts 4.7 Tools 4.8 Further Reading 4.9 Exercises 5 Simplifying ProblemsOnce we have reproduced a problem, we must simplify it—that is, we must find out which circumstances are not relevant for the problem and can thus be omitted. This process results in a test case that contains only the relevant circumstances. In the best case, a simplified test case report immediately pinpoints the defect. We introduce Delta Debugging, an automated debugging method that simplifies test cases automatically.
5.2 The Gecko BugAThon 5.3 Manual Simplification 5.4 Automatic Simplification 5.5 A Simplification Algorithm 5.6 Simplifying User Interaction 5.7 Random Input Simplified 5.8 Simplifying Faster 5.9 Concepts 5.10 Tools 5.11 Further Reading 5.12 Exercises 6 Scientific DebuggingOnce we have reproduced and simplified the problem, we must understand how the failure came to be. The process of obtaining a theory that explains some aspect of the universe is known as the Scientific Method; it is also the appropriate process for obtaining problem diagnostics. We introduce the basic techniques for creating and verifying hypotheses, for making experiments, for conducting the process in a systematic fashion—and for making the debugging process explicit.
6.2 The Scientific Method 6.3 Applying the Scientific Method 6.4 Explicit Debugging 6.5 Keeping a Logbook 6.6 Debugging Quick-and-Dirty 6.7 Algorithmic Debugging 6.8 Deriving a Hypothesis 6.9 Reasoning About Programs 6.10 Concepts 6.11 Further Reading 6.12 Exercises 7 Deducing ErrorsIn this chapter, we begin exploring the techniques for creating hypotheses introduced in Chapter 6. We start with deduction techniques—reasoning from the abstract program code to the concrete program run. In particular, we present program slicing, an automated means to determine possible origins of a variable value. Using program slicing, one can effectively narrow down the number of possible infection sites.
7.2 Understanding Control Flow 7.3 Tracking Dependences 7.4 Slicing Programs 7.5 Deducing Code Smells 7.6 Limits of Static Analysis 7.7 Concepts 7.8 Tools 7.9 Further Reading 7.10 Exercises 8 Observing FactsWhile deduction techniques do not take concrete runs into account, observation determines facts about what has happened in a concrete run. In this chapter, we look under the hood of the actual program execution and introduce widespread techniques to examine program executions and program states. These techniques include classical logging, interactive debuggers, and post-mortem debugging, as well as eye-opening visualization and summarization techniques.
8.2 Logging Execution 8.3 Using Debuggers 8.4 Querying Events 8.5 Visualizing State 8.6 Concepts 8.7 Tools 8.8 Further Reading 8.9 Exercises 9 Tracking OriginsOnce we have observed an infection during debugging, we need to find out its origins. We discuss omniscient debugging, a technique that records an entire execution history such that the user can explore arbitrary moments in time without ever restarting the program. Furthermore, we explore dynamic slicing, a technique that tracks the origins of specific values.
9.2 Exploring Execution History 9.3 Dynamic Slicing 9.4 Leveraging Origins 9.5 Tracking Down Infections 9.6 Concepts 9.7 Tools 9.8 Further Reading 9.9 Exercises 10 Asserting ExpectationsObservation alone is not enough for debugging—one must compare the observed facts with the expected program behavior. In this chapter, we discuss how to automate such comparisons, using well-known assertion techniques; we also show how to ensure the sanity of important system components such as memory.
10.2 Basic Assertions 10.3 Asserting Invariants 10.4 Asserting Correctness 10.5 Assertions as Specifications 10.6 From Assertions to Verification 10.7 Reference Runs 10.8 System Assertions 10.9 Checking Production Code 10.10 Concepts 10.11 Tools 10.12 Further Reading 10.13 Exercises 11 Detecting AnomaliesWhile one program run can tell you quite much already, having multiple runs to compare offers several opportunities to locate commonalities and anomalies—anomalies which frequently help to locate defects. In this chapter, we discuss how to detect anomalies in code coverage and anomalies in data accesses. We also show how to infer invariants from multiple test runs automatically, in order to flag later invariant violations. All these anomalies are good candidates for infection sites.
11.2 Comparing Coverage 11.3 Statistical Debugging 11.4 Collecting Data in the Field 11.5 Dynamic Invariants 11.6 Invariants on the Fly 11.7 From Anomalies to Defects 11.8 Concepts 11.9 Tools 11.10 Further Reading 11.11 Exercises 12 Causes and EffectsDeduction, observation and induction are all good in finding potential defects. However, none of these techniques alone is sufficient to determine a failure cause. How does one identify a cause? How does one isolate not only "a" cause, but "the" actual cause of a failure? This chapter lays the groundwork on how find failure causes systematically—and automatically.
12.2 Verifying Causes 12.3 Causality in Practice 12.4 Finding Actual Causes 12.5 Narrowing Down Causes 12.6 A Narrowing Example 12.7 The Common Context 12.8 Causes in Debugging 12.9 Concepts 12.10 Further Reading 12.11 Exercises 13 Isolating Failure CausesThis is the chapter that automates most of debugging. We show how Delta Debugging isolates failure causes automatically—in the program input, in the program's thread schedule, and in the program code. In the best case, the reported causes immediately pinpoint the defect.
13.2 Isolating versus Simplifying 13.3 An Isolation Algorithm 13.4 Implementing Isolation 13.5 Isolating Failure-inducing Input 13.6 Isolating Failure-inducing Schedules 13.7 Isolating Failure-inducing Changes 13.8 Problems and Limitations 13.9 Concepts 13.10 Tools 13.11 Further Reading 13.12 Exercises 14 Isolating Cause-Effect ChainsThis chapter presents a way to narrow down failure causes even further. By extracting and comparing program states, Delta Debugging automatically isolates the variables and values that cause the failure, resulting in a cause-effect chain of the failure: "variable x was 42; therefore, p became null; and thus the program failed".
14.2 Capturing Program States 14.3 Comparing Program States 14.4 Isolating Relevant Program States 14.5 Isolating Cause-Effect Chains 14.6 Isolating Failure-inducing Code 14.7 Issues and Risks 14.8 Concepts 14.9 Tools 14.10 Further Reading 14.11 Exercises 15 Fixing the DefectOnce we have understood the failure's cause-effect chain, we know how the failure came to be. But still, we must find the place where the infection begins—that is, the actual location of the defect. In this chapter, we discuss how to narrow down the defect systematically—and, having found the defect, how to fix it.
15.2 Focusing on the Most Likely Errors 15.3 Validating the Defect 15.4 Correcting the Defect 15.5 Workarounds 15.6 Learning from Mistakes 15.7 Concepts 15.8 Further Reading 15.9 Exercises 16 Learning from MistakesAt the end of each debugging session, one wonders how the defect could have come to be in the first place. We discuss techniques to collect, aggregate, and locate defect information; techniques to predict where the next defects will be; and what to do to prevent future errors.
16.2 Mining the Past 16.3 Where Defects come from 16.4 Errors during Specification 16.5 Errors during Programming 16.6 Errors during Quality Assurance 16.7 Predicting Problems 16.8 Fixing the Process 16.9 Concepts 16.10 Further Reading 16.11 Exercises Appendix: Formal DefinitionsA.1 Delta DebuggingA.2 Memory Graphs A.3 Cause-Effect Chains GlossaryBibliographyIndex
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